Tuesday, November 10, 2015

November 10, 2015

Ok, so we are finally here in Santa Barbara, CA..we got here just as it was getting dark Sunday the 8th..took about 30 hours or so...we averaged 7 knots an hour motoring. They caught a bigger tuna this time. We had beautiful calm seas the whole way...barely even noticed Pt Conception!! Have been visiting with friends and family and enjoying the change in weather! Jeff will take the train home tomorrow...he has been a real blessing to have on this long leg of our journey...he has definitely left his mark on our boat and in our hearts!! So the plan is to spend about a week or so here, then head more south to Ventura/Oxnard where we are going to haul Liberator II out of the water and fix the center board that cable broke from so we won't be drafting 9 feet all the tine!! So looking forward to some Seattle friends to come visit...we will be in this area until a day or two after Christmas...


  1. Horrah!!! "Hi" to "MY Santa Barbara!" (And to Carpinteria, too!) Photos, photos, photos!!! But via some other way than phone, for me, please! OR send Katrin or someone to show me How to Do something with them! Sigh. I am Still technologically challenged! But still Love photos! Do you notice any/many changes? So thrilled for you all, and So happy you are enjoying this! We are holding down the 'fort' up here. First frost this morning! Up at 3 AM, as Berry had one day school out of town. Puppy & cat & I toughing it out by ourselves today! Keep in touch! And How is "Ham Radio" coming??? Here the antenna is Still Not up, Yet. Maybe soon. I hope. Would be Nice! Hugs to all.

  2. I'm sure the warmer weather is really nice. I look forward to getting further South!

  3. At last God brought us all back together. This is our third MAJOR miracle in the past couple of weeks.

    1. I was really on my death bed at home. Doctors said I should have been in an ICU long ago. My prayer to God was short, simple and to the point: God forgive me my sins, have mercy on me, thy will be done. As you might have figured out, I got better and oddly it took 3 days too.

    2. My wife and her sister wanted to go to a special church but we thought it would not be possible for many reasons (too far away, not enough money, my poor health etc). Poof, God made sure I had a medical appointment in the same area on the same day making it all possible.

    3. And now our brother and sister in God, Ernie and Cindy have been reconnected with us after ? about 5 years. God's hand for sure since a lady that works with my wife (for years) mentioned something that led to my wife realizing that she was going to MEXICO or San Diego and meeting the Ernie and Cindy that we know WOW. Small world indeed but God's timing is always perfect, (not coincidence if you attribute all things to God but God's hand , and with some great smile on your face humor at times too).

    BUT she forgot to take our contact information to them BUT God provided via another member from the church here that was going there and would deliver our information.

    Not done yet. As God's proof (hand and humor) would have it, when Ernie called me I was in the same medical building where I will be in about one week for my appointment and the phones do not work in there LOL :-) I heard it ring but could not talk or call on it inside of that building.

    Coincidence ? Nope. Just the hand and humor of God once again as he touches all of our lives (but we have to open our hearts and eyes to see his presence). Proof that he is always there and in charge of everything down to the smallest detail, even every hair on all of our heads (no detail is too small or too large).

    Three (3) real miracles in ? about 3 weeks. Keep your heart, mind, spirit and eyes open and you will see them too (notice them when they are all around you - As you believe...).

    Mark, Danielle and little Juliana

    1. PS: Ernie, I found out how to join this. It was automatic via my email (G-mail) address when I posted a comment. There is likely another way to join but hey, this was super easy. Then I clicked to go to my profile to edit it (click on your name when your comment shows up). New people like us have to remember to save a link so you can find our profile and this blog again.

      We are looking forward to see you two again. It is God's will for sure :-)

      Love ya too and God bless and comfort everyone!
